

Hubei Petrokh Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd products hammer unions for various pipeline connections on the basis of absorbing domestic and foreign technologies. Unions are available in two types: threaded connection type and anti-H2S type. Specifications 2"~4"; cold working pressure 7 MPa~140 MPa (1000 Psi~20000 Psi). In order to identify different types, unions of different pressure are marked in different colors and there are obvious specifications, connection forms and pressure level marks on the wing nuts.

Product Features

1. Rated working pressure: 7 MPa~140 MPa (1000 psi~20000 psi)

2. Diameter: 2"4"

3. Temperature level: -46℃~121℃ (LU-grade)

Product Parameters

The standard union (threaded connection type) specifications and models are: FIG100, FIG200, FIG206, FIG 400, FIG 402, FIG602, FIG1002, FIG1502, FIG2002; the rated working pressure is 7 MPa (1000 psi)~140 MPa (20000 psi).
The weld union specifications and models are: FIG 20, FIG 60, FIG 1002, FIG 1502, FIG 2002; the rated working pressure is 14 Mpa (2000 psi)~140 MPa (20000 psi).
The anti-H2S weld union specifications and models are: FIG602, FIG1002, FIG1502, FIG2202, Tr120×6, Tr150×6, Tr180×8; the rated working pressure is 35 MPa (5000 psi)~105 Mpa (15000 psi).

Operating parameters
